Simple Slider 2.1

Create a beautiful responsive carousel slider.

Almost all options are responsive and include very intuitive breakpoints settings.

No matter if you are a beginner or an advanced user, starting with SimpleSlider 2.1 is easy.


We’ll be happy to help you!

Include CSS.

First, include Bootstrap 4 CSS files into your HTML head:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">

Include JS.

Yep, include jQuery 3.5.1, simpleSlider 2.1 and your own app files before end tag </body>.

<script src=""></script>
<script defer src="simpleSlider_2_0.js"></script>
<script defer src="app.js"></script>

Include HTML.

Create div-container with random class-name for every slider you need at any place of HTML you need.

For example, we created three containers:

<div class="container galery"></div>
<div class="container galery2"></div>
<div class="container galery3"></div>

Add slides collection.

Add to your app.js some collections of images for every slider you need.

Every slide contains "src" and "alt" atributes.

For example, we add two collections:

const imgCollection = {
    slide1: ['', '#'],
    slide2: ['', '#'],
    slide3: ['', '#'],
    slide4: ['', '#'],
    slide5: ['', '#'],

const imgCollection2 = {
    slide1: ['', '#'],
    slide2: ['', '#'],
    slide3: ['', '#'],
    slide4: ['', '#'],
    slide5: ['', '#'],

Default settings.

By default Simple Slider 2.1 has next options:

//Default settings:
    auto: false,
    autoplayInterval: 0,
    animationType: 'fade',
    animationTime: 1500,

//Default slide collections (imgCollection):
    slide1: ['', '#'],
    slide2: ['', '#'],
    slide3: ['', '#'],
    slide4: ['', '#'],
    slide5: ['', '#'],

Call the plugin.

Now initialize function in app.js for every slider in next way:

let slider = new Slider({
    container: '...class-name of div-container provided for this slider...',
    auto: '...slide show true/false...',
    autoplayInterval: '...time in ms to showing next slide...',
    animationType: '...type of animation fade/carousel/fly...',
    animationTime: '...duration in ms...',


We’ll be happy to show you!

Example #1.

Initialization with default settings:

let slider = new Slider({
    container: '.galery',

Let's see:

Example #2.


let slider2 = new Slider({
    container: '.galery2',
    auto: true,
    autoplayInterval: 3000,
    animationType: 'carousel',
    animationTime: 1500,

Let's see:

Example #3.


let slider3 = new Slider({
    container: '.galery3',
    auto: false,
    autoplayInterval: 2000,
    animationType: 'fly',
    animationTime: 2000,

Let's see:

Enjoy it!