Create a beautiful responsive carousel slider.
Slider settings
We’ll be happy to help you!
By default slider has next settings:
contentSrc: 'array',
auto: true,
autoplayInterval: 3500,
animationType: 'fadeOut/fadeIn',
animationTime: '',
hoverAnimation: false,
hoverAnimationType: 'pulse',
constSliderHeight: false,
overflowHidden: true,
control: true,
You can change slider settings by next way:
- contentSrc - specify content to generate slides - type: string:
- "array" (default) - in case the collection of slides is some array;
- "html" - in case the collection of slides is html content of your container.
- auto - start slideshow when slider is within the user's screen (stop slideshow on hover) - type:
- autoplayInterval - autoplay interval timeout - type: number (ms).
Autoplay interval have to be longer than two "animationTime".
- animationType - animation by Animate.css library - type: string:
- "fadeOut/fadeIn" (default);
- "fadeOutInDown/fadeOutInUp";
- "fadeOutInDownBig/fadeOutInUpBig";
- "fadeOutInLeft/fadeOutInRight";
- "fadeOutInLeftBig/fadeOutInRightBig";
- "fadeOutInLeftTop/fadeOutInRightBottom";
- "fadeOutInLeftBottom/fadeOutInRightTop";
- "backOutInDown/backOutInUp";
- "backOutInLeft/backOutInRight";
- "bounceOut/bounceIn"
- "bounceOutInDown/bounceOutInUp";
- "bounceOutInLeft/bounceOutInRight";
- "flipOutY/flipInY";
- "flipOutX/flipInX";
- "lightSpeedOutInLeft/lightSpeedOutInRight";
- "rotateOutInDownLeft/rotateOutInUpLeft";
- "rotateOutInDownRight/rotateOutInUpRight";
- "hingeOut/fadeIn";
- "bounceOut/jackInTheBox";
- "rollOut/rollIn";
- "zoomOut/zoomIn";
- "zoomOutInDown/zoomOutInUp";
- "zoomOutInLeft/zoomOutInRight";
- "slideOutInDown/slideOutInUp";
- "slideOutInLeft/slideOutInRight".
- animationTime - you can control the speed of the animation - type: string:
- "animate__slower" - 3s;
- "animate__slow" - 2s;
- "" - 1s (default);
- "animate__fast" - 800ms;
- "animate__faster" - 500ms.
- hoverAnimation - animation effect on slide hover - type: boolean:
- hoverAnimationType - hover animation by Animate.css library - type: string:
- "pulse" (default);
- "bounce";
- "rubberBand";
- "shakeX";
- "shakeY";
- "headShake";
- "swing";
- "tada;
- "wobble";
- "jello";
- "heartBeat".
- constSliderHeight - if "true" than the slider height is constant and approximately equal to the height of the
largest slide - type: boolean:
- overflowHidden - container css property "overflow: hidden" - specifies what happens if content
overflows an element's box - type: boolean:
- control - add some control elements (buttons "prev", "next") - type: boolean.
If "control: false" you can switch slide with click on it.
Enjoy it!